Lively Street Fashion Phenomenon

Indication of Neglected Public Space?

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Youth action at Citayam Fashion Week (photo: int) – SURABAYA (VOA).The Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon in Jakarta ignites similar actions in a number of regions in Indonesia, including Surabaya, East Java. In this ‚Kota Pahlawan’ (City of Heroes), street fashion activities are also carried out by young people. Jalan Tunjungan became one of the places where these young people competed with the their costumes.

Sociologist from Airlangga University, Surabaya, Pinky Saptandari, said that the action to block the road for the purpose of self-expression is part of an effort to find space that has not been provided or is difficult for young people to access. This grassroots movement, said Pinky, wants to show its existence not only in the real world, but also in cyberspace. The development of the digital world, she continued, was one of the factors that influences the emergence of this movement in the midst of the hegemony of an exclusive group that controls the stage.

“This is actually an opportunity for anyone to express themselves, including through fashion. Well, this fashion has become an interesting phenomenon since this fashion was initially exclusive, belongs to the upper class. Thanks to the digital world, it can finally be overturned into a phenomenon that also appears in the lower classes, that they also need a stage to proclaim their existence,” said Pinky.

She also highlighted the role of social media which has increasingly begun to shift the presence of mainstream media which is considered to have a declining role in society. The emergence of lower class groups on the fashion stage through social media confirms that social media is a means of solving problems in society.

Pinky said that the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon, which is attended by young people in a number of areas, is an attempt by the lower class to seize public space that they had never had.

“I still see that behind this (phenomenon), it is the emergence of lower class who burst out trying to grab space that they never got, eventually they create their own space even though there are also related things resulting in traffic jams or waste that is not taken care of,” she said.

Pinky added that the existence of public spaces built by the government in a number of areas does not function optimally as a space for expression and activities for the young people. Their potential, said Pinky, must be able to be captured and optimized by the local government for the good of the younger generation and the progress of the city.

A Surabaya resident who is also a cultural observer, Siti Nasyi’ah, encourages the government to accommodate the creativity and expression of young people by providing free space in public facilities. Currently, Surabaya has many public spaces that can be used to accommodate citizens’ activities and expressions, such as Balai Pemuda (Youth Hall), Alun-Alun (Square), and more than 300 parks, 72 of which are active parks.

“The government must accommodate, in the sense of giving a place that can be used for free, namely the Youth Hall or Surabaya Square. Surabaya Square is used as a place, for example, for every Saturday in what week is for fashion, Ludruk, and acoustic music in what day in a week. The local government is obliged to accommodate, as well as to manage and to educate so that it does not go wrong,” said Siti.

Meanwhile, Head of the Communication and Information Office, Surabaya Government, Muhammad Fikser, stressed that the government does not prohibit the activities and creativity by young people in public spaces. However, these activities should not interfere with other users of public facilities. According to Fikser, public space should be used for all groups without exception, not just for one group.

Fikser ensured that Surabaya Government will facilitate the use of public space for free for the youths expressing their activities and creativity by preparing events that all citizens could participate in.

“The government does not prohibit the activities and creativity of young people but will provide spaces such as the Youth Hall where they can express their creativities,“ said Fikser further.

“In Jalan Tunjungan, they can express their creativities along the pedestrian that does not interfere with activities of the public road or the crosswalks. Also, certainly, their clothes take notice of the norms,” added Fikser. [voaindonesia]
